Mona Lisa + Salvator Mundi overlay proves shared Christmas sunrise 1500 AD
Controversial painting is found to be a genuine Da Vinci through archeo-astronomic evidence
Da Vinci's camera obscura projected both paintings as one single vision in time and space
Three lone stars seen within Salvator Mundi's mysterious crystal ball ends serious dispute; the painter was indeed Leonardo da Vinci himself. Investigative historian Scott Lund has identified the stars as the prominent Summer Triangle asterism that appeared Christmas morning above Bramante's Tempietto on Rome's Janiculum hill in 1500 AD.
Ten years ago, Scott Lund determined that a ley line ran through the Mona Lisa's landscape, extending from the Vatican directly 29.5 km Southeast to the main cult site of the goddess Diana at Lake Nemi. As a climax to the Vatican's Grand Jubilee year of 1500, Da Vinci envisioned Mona Lisa on the steps of the Tempietto, face awash in the light of dawn, as she gazed at the line's momentary projection beyond the horizon into the exact center of our Milky Way galaxy. At that moment, she was also looking in the direction of Delphi, Greece, 935 km ahead.
But Lund never expected that Salvator Mundi might provide independent corroboration for that very same sunrise. When he applied a simple 50/50 opacity overlay of Salvator Mundi onto Mona Lisa, Lund was stunned. By focusing the facial features of both paintings together, a breathtaking Man-goddess appeared in glowing 3D perspective!
The overlay also showed Salvator Mundi's crystal ball laying directly over where the Janiculum hill would be situated in the Mona Lisa landscape. Suddenly, the three stars seen over the resplendent hill made perfect sense to Lund. It was never a crystal ball, but rather a telescopic view looking East at the Janiculum, with the city of Rome hidden on the other side.
Very close to the lowest star of the Summer Triangle on that Christmas morning, the heliacal rising of Delphius was seen, a tiny constellation that famously heralded the games at Delphi in antiquity. Yet another allusion to Delphi may be perceived as a ghostly dolphin image hovering over the 'crystal ball' in overlay.
The right hand of Salvator Mundi is seen in a classic Trinitarian blessing gesture. In overlay, the hand envelops a rocky outcropping of three witches in the form of owls at the Tempest Fountain, just above Lake Nemi. The Trinity theme is reinforced by coins from the lake cult site featuring three Dianic goddesses side-by-side.
More amazing still, it appears to Lund that Da Vinci used a camera obscura to scale Salvator Mundi down to fit over the smaller torso proportions of the Mona Lisa. Salvator Mundi was painted in 1502 AD, around the same time that his treatise on the pinhole camera was made public. It was essentially an invention that allowed artists to simply trace onto their canvas from another projected image. Lund also believes Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man provided a template for the sacred proportions that came together so perfectly.
"Certainly Salvator Mundi was painted with the intention of projecting it onto the Mona Lisa with a camera obscura. Virtually no one has ever seen the beauty of the Mona Lisa in the ultimate illuminated and glowing way that Da Vinci really created her," says Lund
Known for its yellow sand, the Janiculum became the fabled "golden mountain" of Rome. The Mona Lisa, Salvator Mundi, and the Tempietto were entirely about the assertion of Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella as the champions of Christendom and conquerors of the just discovered New World. Since 1492, the Vatican was headed by the infamous Spanish Borgia pope Alexander VI, who favored an old myth that Biblical Noah came to Rome by boat, changed his name to that of the Roman Sun- and War-god Janus, and founded a Golden Age in Italy ruled from his glorious city atop the Janiculum hill. The myth was expanded and promulgated by Dominican friar and antiquities forger Annius of Viterbo, named Master of the pope's palace in that city as a reward for his work. Da Vinci was evidently responsible, along with Bramante, for convincingly elaborating the myth, especially through evidence of sacred geometry and astronomical metaphor. Lund believes Pope Alexander VI and the Spanish monarchs desired a symbolic conflation of the Roman god with Noah in order to establish on the Janiculum a Roman oracular counterpart to Greek Delphi. And the divine genius of Da Vinci made it all astoundingly convincing.
Salvator Mundi was sold in 2017 to Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammed bin Salman for $450 million, making it the most expensive painting ever sold. "Doubts about the authenticity of Salvator Mundi can now be dispelled with my two new unique and exacting proofs. It is truly fantastic that the world's most famous painting and the world's most expensive painting were meant to be projected together into a single vision, bringing space and time together at the same exact point," says Lund.
The Tempietto's Foundation Stone, buried and accidentally discovered in 1628, was dated 1502 and dedicated to Ferdinand and Isabella.
The marble slab has a wide-to-high ratio of 68.807339%
And the Mona Lisa is an incredibly identical 68.831168% !!!!!!!
The certainty that this is not a coincidence is 99.95% !!!!!!!
"It is known the Mona Lisa was initially a bigger painting sawed off on its sides, and it may be presumed that its width was reduced to conform to the proportions of the Foundation Stone. The same ratio shared between the Mona Lisa and the Foundation Stone also matches the Tempietto's width and height. The Mona Lisa and the Tempietto were obvious sister projects created together by close friends Da Vinci and Bramante," says Lund.
"May the notion that Mona Lisa was the mere portrait of a middle-class silk merchant's wife in Florence be consigned to banal fallacies of the past. The union of Mona Lisa and Salvator Mundi, under the stars of Christmas, is a gift of marvelous vision from Da Vinci's wondrous mind." -- Scott Lund, December 2023
Leonardo Da Vinci's Genius reached to the Stars!
New evidence proves he was an astronomer before Copernicus
Prado copy of Mona Lisa provides self-evident proof of secret code
Self-evident proof has been released showing that Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa as a personification of Bramante's Tempietto in Rome. The Prado copy of the iconic painting provides corroborating detail that the partial pillars on the wall behind the Mona Lisa figure, and the chair she sits on, were taken directly from the architecture of the chapel.
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According to Scott Lund's "Mona Lisa Code," Leonardo Da Vinci and his good friend Donato Bramante created their works together to express the religious doctrine of the "Two Faces of the Soul." With his newly released visual presentation, Lund thinks the evidence is conclusive. "The sister projects of the Tempietto and the Mona Lisa were clear artistic and symbolic representations of each other," says Lund. "Most assertions and assumptions about the Mona Lisa are wrong, and art history is about to be rewritten."
Lund points out that the Tempietto, which sits atop Rome's highest hill, was the vantage point from where the right side landscape of the Mona Lisa was viewed. The site was the mythical location of the citadel of the two-faced Roman god Janus, who Da Vinci used as his hidden metaphor for the dualistic painting.
In 2010, Lund revealed that the Mona Lisa figure was the secret depiction of a double soul shared between a mother and her unborn child. Da Vinci had written about the concept, and he believed souls gave birth to other souls. In his new presentation, Lund shows that the architectural basis for the Tempietto was two tangent circles, which were symbolic of the conception of one soul from another. Lund believes the unique double-bellied design of the upper railing, clearly seen as the spindles of the armrest, also represents the metaphor of a splitting soul. The railing effectively divides the Tempietto into upper and lower halves.
"Ongoing excavations to discover the remains of Lisa Gherardini, the supposed model for the Mona Lisa, will shed no light on the painting," says Lund. "Whether or not her bones are found at a former Ursuline convent in Florence, it has no connection to the Mona Lisa Code, or to Leonardo da Vinci, who most certainly did not use her likeness."
The Tempietto di Bramante in Montorio is under the authority of the Real Academia de Espana en Roma, or "Royal Academy of Spain in Rome," and under the patronage of the Spanish Royal Family.
Leonardo da Vinci's icon, starry Perseus, and the Mysteries of Eleusis
Mona Lisa Code investigator Scott Lund makes history by establishing their common link
The following excerpts are from the "Da Vinci's Stars" historic presentation witnessed by Hollywood VIPs at the Continental Club in downtown Los Angeles on November 16, 2014. Scott Lund, discoverer and author of the Mona Lisa Code, paused his speech in the middle to allow actors Alexandra Kovacs, Kristin McCoy, and Irena Violette, to enact an unprecedented performance-art demonstration of the "Fall of Persephone." They played the Greek goddesses secretly portrayed in Leonardo da Vinci's painting, The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne.
Paraphrased from the speech by Scott Lund:
"The notion of 'art for art's sake,' and that art is about aesthetics, comes from the 19th century. The last three paintings that Leonardo da Vinci kept with him until the end of his life-the Mona Lisa, Saint John the Baptist, and The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne-cannot be considered art in the contemporary sense, but that doesn't mean that their secrets cannot be revealed as such. These new discoveries of the Mona Lisa Code are being presented as art, instead of going through the traditional academic process.
"Tonight marks the first international presentation of new proofs of the Mona Lisa Code since my public press conference at the ancient Forum in Rome, over three years ago. At that time, I showed that the Mona Lisa's landscape was based on a 29-kilometer land-survey line connecting the Vatican with the cult site of the Roman goddess Diana at Lake Nemi. It was widely reported by Italian news media at that time.
"Last year, I was able to further discover that the endpoint of the survey-line at Lake Nemi connected to the apparent center of the Milky Way galaxy precisely at sunrise on Christmas morning, during the Catholic church's Grand Jubilee of 1500 AD. That is something that has not been reported by any news media.
"It is now evident that all three Da Vinci paintings were intrinsically tied to the stars. They formed a 'solar set' representing the solstices and equinoxes during that all-important year of the Grand Jubilee. The Mona Lisa and Saint John the Baptist represented the Winter and Summer solstices, but The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne represented both the Spring and Autumn equinoxes.
"The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne overlays precisely with the stars of the constellation Perseus, as well as the adjacent constellation Ares. That means that the painting itself, as well as the other two, were composed and created based on the shapes of the stars in the night sky! This realization alone is without precedent in Art History. Da Vinci has been called a lot of things, but he has never been called an astronomer. In retrospect, it appears that he was more astronomer than anything else, and there was an immense magical aspect to what he was doing.
"In Christianity, the supposed birth of the Sun occurred exactly due east on the horizon, on the morning of the Spring equinox of 5500 BC, which was the commonly accepted date of Creation. Da Vinci was remarkably able to determine that 7,000 years before the Grand Jubilee, the constellation Perseus would have been positioned directly above the Sun's first appearance.
"The Greek and Roman Mysteries were religious schools with secrets known only to the initiated. The most famous and revered of them all were the Mysteries of Eleusis. centered near ancient Athens. The 'Fall of Persephone' was the foundation myth of the Eleusinian mysteries, telling the tale of how the goddess disappeared during the months of winter. The myth connected the fertility of crops with the promise of human life after death. According to myth, Persephone was out picking flowers when a great chasm erupted in the earth. Hades rode out on his chariot and abducted her, taking her down into the underworld to be his wife. Persephone was then rescued by her mother Demeter at the start of spring.
"Since antiquity, no person before the Mona Lisa Code has been known to have understood the basis of the myth, with the exception of Leonardo da Vinci. Below the figures of St. Anne and the Virgin, the chasm to Hades is implied. But the most telling clue is the rather obvious kinetic energy seen in the painting. The Virgin, or Persephone, is completely off balance, such that the slightest movement of St. Anne's left knee to her right would cause the Virgin to fall off into the chasm. This impending act is clearly facilitated by the lamb, which hooks its hoof over her foot.
"Once a year, in November, Perseus climbs to its highest position in the night sky at midnight, marking the symbolic start of winter. When Perseus is directly overhead, it is opposite the Sun, which was thought to travel through the underworld during its nightly journey.
"Da Vinci painted The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne as the personification of the constellation Perseus, and it is apparent that his painting was also an allegory for the 'Fall of Persephone.' Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the 'Fall of Persephone' was a metaphor for Perseus, which achieves its most elevated yearly position of vertical distance from the fertilizing powers of the Sun at midnight!"
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Scott Lund's Discovery Highlights:
Da Vinci's real Code - the Stars!
The Renaissance master's last three
paintings were charts of the starry sky.
Visionary historian Scott Lund has released additional evidence to support his Mona Lisa Code (sm). Incredibly, Da Vinci's last three paintings have been found to form a complete solar grouping that represented the solstices and equinoxes during the Catholic church's Grand Jubilee celebration of 1500 AD.
In the last few years of his life, Da Vinci surrounded himself with just three paintings: The Mona Lisa, The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, and Saint John the Baptist. Previously, the Mona Lisa Code revealed that the Mona Lisa depicted Christmas sunrise during the Church's jubilee year, with a land survey line in Rome becoming momentarily joined to a "celestial" survey line at the instant the Sun appeared. The other two paintings support the original conclusion by portraying the Autumn equinox and Summer solstice of 1500 AD, respectively. Remarkably accurate alignments of the paintings with the constellations Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Perseus, indicate that their composition was entirely derived from the shapes of the stars in the sky.
Da Vinci's three works were consistent with the idea that paintings could be "talismans" capable of pulling down the power of the planets and stars for magical purposes. The idea that paintings could used as magic talismans was promoted by Marsilio Ficino at his Academy of Plato in Florence, and was highly influenced by the Picatrix - a medieval book of "black" magic that detailed the procedures for creating them. According to the Picatrix, such talismans accomplished their power through "violence," much like poison.
It took Da Vinci so long to paint the Mona Lisa and the other two paintings because, according to the Picatrix, he could only work on them when there were "favorable aspects" with the planets. Following the dictates of the book in trying to capture the "soul" of the Sun, Da Vinci would presumably have dressed in gold silk, burned incense of ambergris, and talked to his paintings with "sound intention."
According to Wikipedia, Da Vinci was a "painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer." What has never been recognized was that Da Vinci was an astronomer, and unquestionably the greatest one of his age. The world now sees an entirely new Da Vinci, who was neither artist, nor painter, so much as Hermetic wizard. Da Vinci viewed the three paintings from his deathbed as he contemplated the immortality of his soul.
Da Vinci's Christmas Surprise!
Mona Lisa frozen in time: Dec. 25, 1500 AD
The moment in time captured by Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa has been identified. Visionary historian Scott Lund has released amazing visual proof that the painting portrays the soft light of sunrise on Christmas morning in Rome, 1500 AD. Daybreak on December 25th marked the most symbolic point in time during the Grand Jubilee that celebrated the renewal of the Catholic Church after 15 centuries. It was that instant which was frozen forever on the Mona Lisa.
The exact time and setting has now been established for Da Vinci's mysterious masterpiece. At first light on Christmas morn, 1500 AD, the Mona Lisa female figure faced the Southeast horizon of Rome from atop the Janiculum-the highest hill in the city. There is where the Tempietto stands-the small elegant chapel built by Da Vinci's good friend, Donato Bramante. Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, and Bramante's Tempietto, were sister projects meant to jointly commemorate the Catholic Church's Grand Jubilee of 1500 AD, but also to secretly express profound religious concepts that would have been viewed as heretical. The Mona Lisa Code has previously revealed the Mona Lisa personifies the Tempietto's architecture.
In 2011, Scott Lund demonstrated in Rome that the Mona Lisa's landscape actually depicted a precise land-survey line stretching 29.5 kilometers from the Vatican-through the site of the Tempietto-and ending at a former pagan cult site of the Roman Goddess Diana at Lake Nemi. Now, it is additionally shown that the position of the night sky, just before the moment of dawn on Christmas Day, indicates a second incredible "survey line" of the stars! Da Vinci's celestial survey line connects to his terrestrial one precisely at daybreak on Christmas, and that adds tremendous mathematical and corroborative proof to the Mona Lisa Code.
On December 15, the Mona Lisa Code revealed that the peculiar shape of the mountain ridge, seen on the left-side landscape, represented the "Dark Rift" area of the Milky Way, located at the center of the galaxy. On the other side of the painting, a mountain shaped like the small constellation seen at the top of the galaxy's "north pole." Amazingly, Da Vinci had painted the two essential coordinates that defined the galaxy's center and the polar orientation it revolves around. It now appears that the Mona Lisa has a second survey line that stretches from the very center of our galaxy to the end of its "northern pole." This follows the Hermetic philosophical maxim: 'As Above, So Below', connecting the stars and their patterns directly with Earth and its geography.
Of particular interest is the star Kaus Australis-the brightest in the constellation of Sagittarius, and very close to the "Dark Rift." Kaus Australis is the star that marked the Southeast compass-point of the horizon in conjunction with the rising of the sun that special Christmas morning. Disguised as a rock formation on the left side of the Mona Lisa, it is identified by the Mona Lisa Code as the figure of St. Christopher entering the water of Lake Nemi at the precise endpoint of the land-survey line extending from the Vatican. It is the head of the Christ Child, seen on the shoulder of St. Christopher, that matches up perfectly with the star Kaus Australis. Da Vinci used Kaus Australis as a 'holy star' to mystically symbolize Christmas, the Sun, the Christ Child, and the union between the Celestial and Terrestrial realms.
The "Dark Rift," in the midst of the thickest section of the Milky Way's stars, symbolizes Lake Nemi surrounded by the sacred forest of the Goddess Diana. Coma Berenices, the star constellation at the top of the galactic pole, symbolizes the supremacy of the Vatican centered above the Universe.
Leonardo da Vinci's astounding Vision of our Galaxy
Mysterious mountain landscape of the Mona Lisa concealed Secrets of the Stars
Visionary historian Scott Lund says the mountain landscape of the Mona Lisa is really a disguised representation of the Milky Way galaxy. Amazingly, Da Vinci apparently depicted the two essential coordinates that define both the galaxy's center, and the polar orientation it revolves around. Pictorial evidence shows Da Vinci painted a craggy rock formation on the painting's left-side horizon in order to match the peculiar shape of the "Dark Rift" located at the galaxy's bulging hub. The "Dark Rift" also figured prominently in the 26,000-year passage of the Sun that signaled the so-called "end" of the Mayan calendar in 2012.
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Lund's astronomical interpretation is strongly supported on the right side of the painting by a lakeside mountain that apparently represents the small constellation that marks the top of the galaxy's perpendicular axis, or "North Galactic Pole." The constellation, known as Coma Berenices, also forms the small grouping of stars seen as the tail of Leo the Lion. Lund believes the "lion's tail" was adopted by Leo-nardo to use as his own celestial signature for the painting.
Scott Lund's findings are part of his corpus of supporting evidence presented as the "Mona Lisa Code." In 2011, Lund demonstrated that the Mona Lisa depicted a precise survey line that stretched 29.5 kilometers from the Vatican to Lake Nemi. It is now appears that the painting depicts a second survey line that stretches from the very center of our galaxy. This follows the Hermetic philosophical maxim: "As Above, So Below," connecting the stars and their patterns directly with Earth and its geography.
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Da Vinci's Stars historic art event
Scott Lund discovers Da Vinci used starry constellations for his paintingss
Da Vinci's Stars presentation by Scott Lund November 16 at the Continental Club in the heart of Los Angeles. Following new discoveries that Leonardo da Vinci's last three paintings were "magical star charts," the VIP event featured the first public presentation of irrefutable proofs that have astonished historians and art experts around the world.
Mystery site of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa witnessed on Roman hill
Cassandra D'Amario, a schoolgirl in Rome, has become the first person in history to knowingly pose for a photograph at the secret location where the Mona Lisa was envisioned by Leonardo da Vinci. Her picture was taken August 2, 2016, at the Tempietto of Bramante atop the Janiculum hill near the Vatican. The spot was discovered by investigative historian Scott Lund as part of his extensive research known as the Mona Lisa Code (TM).
"Partial pillars and the wall behind the Mona Lisa figure, as well as the chair she sits on, are clearly derived from the architecture of the small chapel," says Lund, who asserts that Da Vinci and his good friend Donato Bramante created sister projects to express a mystical symbolic theme. On October 15, 2013, Lund publicly released self-evident proof that the Mona Lisa was created as a personification of the Tempietto. His findings, sent to over 500 of the top Art History professors throughout the world, have not been refuted.
"Contrary to conventional belief, the world's most famous painting was never a portrait of Lisa Gherardini," says Lund, who is supremely confident that an academic conference of experts in Rome will finally end numerous other theories about the iconic painting, including the notion that there was a so-called "earlier version," as widely publicized by the Mona Lisa Foundation in Zurich.
Cassandra D'Amario posed for her photograph at the exact spot determined by Lund to be where the first light of dawn metaphorically struck the Mona Lisa's face as she looked southeast on Christmas morning in 1500 AD. "Cassandra will be the first of many millions of tourists who will want to visit the historic spot that reveals one of history's greatest mysteries," says Lund.
Don't look for the landscape seen in the painting; the balcony wall and partial pillars behind the seated Mona Lisa figure was really the foundaton wall and pillars of the temple. The panoramic landscape of the painting was a clever device by Da Vinci to show the results of the two-faced Roman god Janus looking in opposite directions at once! The citadel of the god during the Golden Age was located at the site where the Tempietto was built, according to myth. (Photos by Massimo Casavecchia and Scott Lund, with special thanks to Trastevere App of Rome for their support and assistance.)
Proof of secret code in Mona Lisa
History sleuth Scott Lund holds press conference on 9/10/11 at world's most celebrated meeting place
Proof of the Mona Lisa Code was presented in Rome by Scott Lund on September 10, 2011. At 3 p.m. Lund addressed a crowd of people gathered near the ancient Colosseum, then led them to the tune of a bagpiper across the Tiber river to the top of the Janiculum hill. There he identified the Tempietto of Bramante as the site where Leonardo had his vision for the Mona Lisa. International coverage of the event included major Italian media such as La Repubblica, Il Tempo, La Stampa, and AGI.
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The greatest secret in art history was declared by Scott Lund in Rome on 9/10/11. It was revealed to be an ingenious optical trick that Leonardo da Vinci used to transform the viewer of the Mona Lisa into the two-faced Roman Sun-god Janus, who looks in opposite directions simultaneously.
Lund has identified the Tempietto of Bramante as the site where Leonardo had his vision for the world's most famous work of art. He states that the Mona Lisa is a personification of the elegant circular chapel built by Donato Bramante at the presumed location of the mythical citadel occupied by Janus at the beginning of Italian civilization.
With a large graphic presentation, Lund demonstrated that, contrary to popular belief, the Mona Lisa's landscape is not a fantasy, but a precise survey map of Rome and its vicinity. The survey cleverly defines the two extremes of religion, marking the center of Christianity on the right side, and the center of paganism on the left. The dome of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican is one end of the survey, and the site of the cult practices of the goddess Diana at Lake Nemi is the other. A line between the two endpoints, 29.5 km apart, intersects the Tempietto of Bramante.
Lund points out that Lake Nemi was the cradle of European witchcraft, and its location on the Mona Lisa was dangerously heretical during the Renaissance period. Using the pagan god Janus as the theme for the painting also implied Leonardo's heretical conviction that the sun was the center of the Universe.
In his book "The Mona Lisa Code," Lund identifies the central figure of the Mona Lisa as a single soul shared between an expectant mother and her unborn male child. The dualistic theme of Janus is symbolized by the partial pillars on either side of the painting, and the god is also identified by the code words ANIMA SOL, which is a secret anagram for the name Mona Lisa, meaning "Soul/Sun god" in Latin.
"What tied the soul and the sun together for Leonardo is that he believed the sun to be the source for the vital force of the soul," says Lund, "Leonardo also believed that all images, including the Mona Lisa, were the result of the sun being projected onto the soul at the back of the eye."
"Leonardo was extremely logical, and the method of his genius is that he always sought out logical extremes. The opposite faces of the Sun-god Janus uniquely portrayed the metaphor of a land survey, which requires the connection of a straight line between two points," says Lund.
According to Lund, Leonardo worked with the architect Bramante at the court of Milan until 1499 when an invading French army sent their patron, Duke Ludovico Sforza, fleeing the city. The two friends then sought safety and new opportunities in Rome, which was preparing for its Grand Jubilee of 1500. The Mona Lisa was probably begun in conjunction with the groundbreaking of Bramante's Tempietto in 1502, at a time when Leonardo was known to have been in Rome. Their complementary projects were intended to symbolize the religious doctrine of the "Two Faces of the Soul."
Lund says that the radical stereoscopic illusion Leonardo crafted into the Mona Lisa exceeds the imagination of any Hollywood movie script writer. Billions of people have viewed the painting without suspecting the ingenious Janus-faced perspective that the grand master had placed them in.
Witch Owls and Christian Saint
Mona Lisa landscape hides images connected with cult site of Roman Childbirth goddess Diana
Three Owls and St. Christopher carrying the Christ Child are seen hidden in the rock formations of the Mona Lisa's left landscape. Investigative writer Scott Lund has discovered these startling images that identify the end of a survey line that Leonardo da Vinci drew from the Vatican to the primary cult site of the Childbirth goddess Diana at Lake Nemi near Rome.
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Huffington Post profiles Scott Lund
Award-winning journalist Ellen Sterling looks into Lund's background and discoveries
July 27, 2010

Ellen's colorful article is entitled: "Solving a Centuries-Old Mystery: Who Is That Lady? That's No Lady, That's Mona Lisa."
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Bel-Air Magazine premieres with Mona Lisa Code feature article
Public debut makes international news
June 18, 2010

Writer Scott Lund seen at magazine launch party between publishers Rick and Melanie Amor, with publicist Elizabeth Venturini on right.

The Mona Lisa Code made its first appearance in Bel-Air Magazine's June-July, 2010 issue.

Mona Lisa Code Products for Sale

For Collectors: Rare pristine high-gloss June 2010 premiere magazine of the Mona Lisa Code.

Mona Lisa Code: Preliminary Scholar's Edition (ISBN 978-1-4951-2788-5). The original definitive compilation in book form of the Mona Lisa Code discoveries
To purchase the Scholar's Edition please copy and paste the following link in your browser:
THE MONA LISA CODE is a U.S. registered Trademark for all cinematographic films, downloadable television series program episodes, downloadable multimedia and electronic publications in the nature of books, magazines, journals, and articles, and audio and visual media recordings, digital art pictures, downloadable musical sound recordings, all featuring entertainment, education, news, information, commentary, discoveries, adventure, research, theories, and philosophy in the nature of fictional, artistic, and creative adaptations of theories, facts, and events from history, all in the fields of history, art, astronomy, architecture, anthropology, sociology, mythology, symbolism, magic, astrology, culture, philosophy, religion, and how these relate to Leonardo da Vinci and his works including the Mona Lisa painting, none of the subject-matter being foreign language instruction nor music video recordings.
A petition for an Academic Conference in Rome has been featured on the Facebook pages of many museums, institutions, and academic organizations, including: United States Library of Congress, the United States National Archives, Washington National Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Magazine, Louvre Museum, Musee Jacquemart-Andre, Chateau du Clos Luce museum, Ashmolean Museum of Art & Archaeology at Oxford University, Oxford University Press, University of Edinburgh, National Galleries of Scotland, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid, New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Museum of Modern Art, American University of Rome, Musei Capitolini of Rome, Museo dell'Ara Pacis in Rome, Museo di Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano - Pallazo Altemps, Museo Leonardo da Vinci - Piazza del Popolo, Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma, Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale, Pallazo delle Exposizioni in Rome, Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, Museo delle Culture in Milan, Gallerie d'Italia in Milan, Leonardo3 - Il Mondo di Leonardo in Milan, Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, The Leonardo Da Vinci Society, Museo Leonardo da Vinci Firenze, Museo Novecento Firenze, Grande Museo del Duomo in Florence, Museo Casa Siviero in Florence, Museo di Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Venezia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Taranto, Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, Russian Hermitage Museum, University of Salzburg, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Kunsthalle Wien, Kunsthaus Zurich, Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin, Museum Ludwig Koln, Art Museums of Harvard University, Princeton University Art Museum, University of Southern California, Fisher Museum of Art at USC, Stanford University, Yale University Art Gallery, Michigan State University, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Hammer Museum at UCLA, Centre Pompidou in Paris, Chateau de Versailles, Biblioteca National de Espana, Israel Museum in Jerusalem, Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Royal Ontario Museum, The Courtauld Gallery in London, Musee d'art contemporain de Lyon, The Benaki Museum in Athens, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, San Diego Museum of Art, Kyoto University, Nagoya University, National Gallery Singapore, Singapore Art Museum, The Arts House at The Old Parliament in Singapore.
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